李小燕 教授

发布者:汤营茂 发布时间:2021-01-19 浏览次数:5165



李小燕,博士,教授,2015年在香港理工大学获博士学位(导师:Limin Zhou教授、Haitao Huang教授和Yiu-Wing Mai教授,中国工程院外籍院士),博士期间进入新加坡南洋理工大学陈晓东课题组访学,随后在香港理工大学从事博士后研究,至今发表国际学术论文共27篇,编写英文专著1章,以第一作者(含共一)或通讯作者身份发表论文22篇(IF>10, 13篇),包括:ChemJ. Am. Chem. Soc.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Energy Environ. Sci.Adv. Energy Mater.Adv. Funct. Mater.等,其中多篇入选ESI1%高被引/期刊VIP/热点/封面论文,20208月作为闽江学者特聘教授引进到福建师范大学环境科学与工程学院组建环境清洁能源开发研究团队,欢迎硕士/博士生加入团队。




(27) Xiaoyan Li, W. C. Chen, Q. R. Qian, H. T. Huang, Y. M. Chen,* Z. Q Wang,* Q. H. Chen,* J. Yang,* J. Li,* Y.-W. Mai*, Electrospinning-based Strategies for Battery Materials. Adv. Energy. Mater., 2021,11, 2000845. (Back Cover)

(26) X. Li, M. X. Wang, R. L. Li, C. P. Li, J. B. He, M. Q, L. R. Xiao, Z. H. Wen, Q. R. Qian, Xiaoyan Li*, Q. H. Chen*, Z. Q. Wang*, Y.-W. Mai*, Y. M. Chen*. Functionalized N-doped Hollow Graphitic Carbon-nanotube/carbon-nanosphere Composite. Compos. Commun., 2021, 23, 100578.

(25) Z. Q. Wang, Xiaoyan Li*, Y. M. Chen*, K. Pei, Y.-W. Mai, S. L. Zhang*, J. Li*. Creep-enabled 3D Solid-state Lithium Metal Battery.Chem, 2020, 6, 1-15.

(24) Y. M. Chen, Z. Q. Wang, Xiaoyan Li, C. Wang, D. W. Yu, W. J. Xue, F. Yang, A. Kushima, H. T. Huang, J. Li*. Lithium Metal Deposition and Stripping in a Solid-state Battery via Coble Creep. Nature, 2020, 578, 251-255 (ESI 高被引).

(23)Xiaoyan Li, K. K. Li, S. C. Zhu, K. Fan, L. L. Lyu, H. M. Yao, Y. Y. Li, J. L. Hu*, H. T. Huang*, Y.-W. Mai, J. B. Goodenough. Fiber-in-tube Design of Co9S8-carbon/Co9S8 Enables Efficient Sodium Storage. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1-6. (期刊VIP)

(22)B. S. Guo, T. T. Yang, W. Y. Du, Q. R. Ma, L.-Z. Zhang, S.-J. Bao, Xiaoyan Li*, Y. M. Chen, M. W. Xu*. Double-walled N-doped carbon@NiCo2S4 Hollow Capsules as SeS2 Hosts for Advanced Li-SeS2 Batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 12276-12282.

(21)T. T. Yang, W. Gao, B. S. Guo, R. M. Zhan, Q. J. Xu, H. He, S. J. Bao, Xiaoyan Li*, Y. M. Chen, M. W. Xu*. A railway-like Network Electrode Design for Room Temperature Na-S Battery. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 150-156.

(20) Q. J. Xu, R. M. Zhan, W. Gao, T. T. Yang, Y. Q. Zhang, W. Y. Du, S. J. Bao, Xiaoyan Li*, Y. M. Chen*, M. W. Xu*. Jackfriut-like Electrode Design for Advanced Na-Se Batteries. Journal of Power Sources,2019, 443, 227245.

(19) K. Fan, Y. R. Ying, Xiaoyan Li, X. Luo*, H. T. Huang*. Theoretical Investigation of V3C2 MXene as Prospective High Capacity Anode Material for Metal (Li, Na, K, Ca) Ion Batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2019,123, 30, 18207-18214.

(18)Y. M. Chen+, Xiaoyan Li +, K. S. Park, W. Lu, C. Wang, W. J. Xue, F. Yang, J. Zhou, L. M. Suo, T. Q. Lin, H. Huang*, J. Li* and J. B. Goodenough*. Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Sodium-Ion Battery Anode by Self-Etching and Graphitization of Bimetallic MOF-Based Nanocomposite. Chem,2017, 3, 152. (ESI高被引、列选为周年刊并被Elsevier报道)

(17)Xiaoyan Li, N. Q. Fu, J. Z. Zou, X. R. Zeng*, Y. M. Chen*, L. M. Zhou, W. Lu, H. T. Huang*. Ultrafine Cobalt Sulfide Nanoparticles Encapsulated Hierarchical N-doped Carbon Nanotubes for High-performance Lithium Storage. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 225, 137-142.

(16)Xiaoyan Li, N. Q. Fu, J. Z. Zou, X. R. Zeng, Y. M. Chen, L. M. Zhou, H. T. Huang*. Sulfur-Impregnated N-Doped Hollow Carbon Nanofibers as Cathode for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. Mater. Lett.,2017, 209,505-508.

(15)N. Q. Fu*, Xiaoyan Li, Y. Liu, Y. C. Liu, M. Guo, W. F. Li, H T. Huang*. Low Temperature Transfer of Well-Tailored TiO2Nanotube Array Membrane for Efficient Plastic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.Journal of Power Sources, 2017,343, 47-53.

(14)Y. Chen, J. Dong, L. Qiu, Xiaoyan Li, Q. Li, H. Wang, S. Liang, H. Yao, H. Huang, H. Gao, J.-K. Kim, F. Ding*, L. Zhou*. A Catalytic Etching-Wetting-Dewetting Mechanism in the Formation of Hollow Graphitic Carbon Fiber, Chem,2017, 2, 299.

(13) Y. C. Yao, H. L. Wu, L, Huang, Xiaoyan Li, L. Yu, S. Z. Zeng, X. R. Zeng, J. W. Yang, J. Z. Zou*. Nitrogen-enriched Hierarchically Porous Carbon Nanofibers Network as a Binder-free Electrode for High-performance Supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 246, 606-614.

(12)Xiaoyan Li,Y. M. Chen*, H. T. Wang,H. M. Yao,H. T. Huang, Y.-W.Mai, L. M. Zhou*. Inserting Tin nanoparticles into The Pores of TiO2-x-C Nanofibers by Lithiation. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2016, 26, 376-383.

(11)Xiaoyan Li, Y. M. Chen*, H. T. Huang, Y.-W. Mai, L. M. Zhou*. Electrospun Carbon-based Nanostructured Electrodes for Advanced Energy Storage-A Review. Energy Storage Mater.,2016, 5, 58-92.

(10) Y. Chen+, Xiaoyan Li +, K. S. Park, L. M. Zhou, H. T. Huang*, Y.-W. Mai, John B. Goodenough*. Hollow Nanotubes of N-Doped Carbon on CoS. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016,55, 15831-15834. (Hot Paper,并被X-MOL报道)

(9)Xiaoyan Li, Y. M. Chen, J. Z. Zou, X. R. Zeng*, L. M. Zhou, H.T. Huang*. Stable Freestanding Li-ion Battery Cathodes by in situ Conformal Coating of Conducting Polypyrrole on NiS-Carbon Nanofiber Films. Journal of Power Sources,2016, 331, 360-365.

(8) Y. M. Chen+, Xiaoyan Li +, X. Y. Zhou, H. M. Yao,H. T. Huang, Y.-W. Mai,L. M. Zhou*. Hollow-tunneled Graphitic Carbon Nanofibers Through Ni-diffusion-induced Graphitization as High-performance Anode Materials. Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, 7, 2689-2696.

(7)Xiaoyan Li, Y. M. Chen, L. M. Zhou, Y.-W. Mai, H. T. Huang*. Exceptional Electrochemical Performance of Porous TiO2-carbon Nanofibers for Lithium Ion Battery Anodes. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 3875-3880.

(6)Xiaoyan Li,Y. M. Chen, H. M. Yao,X. Y. Zhou, J. Yang, H. T. Huang, Y.-W. Mai, L. M. Zhou*. Core/shell TiO2-MnO2/MnO2 Heterostructure Anodes for High-performance Lithium-ion Batteries.RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 39906-39911.

(5) Y. M. Chen+,Xiaoyan Li +, K.-S. Park, J. H. Hong,J. Song,L. M. Zhou*, Y.-W. Mai, H. T. Huang, J. B. Goodenough*. Sulfur Encapsulated in Porous Hollow CNTs@CNFs for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014,2, 10126-10130.

(4)Y. M. Chen+,Xiaoyan Li +,K. S. Park,J. Song,J. H. Hong,L. M. Zhou*,Y.-W. Mai,H. T. Huang, J. B. Goodenough*. Hollow Carbon-Nanotube/Carbon-Nanofiber Hybrid Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries. J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2013, 135, 16280-16283. (ESI高被引)

(3) Xiaoyan Li,Y. M. Chen, Q. R. Qian*, X. P., Liu, L. R. Xiao, Q. H. Chen*. Preparation and Photoluminescence Characteristics of Tb-, Sm-and Dy-doped Y2O3 Nanofibers by Electrospinning. J. Lumin., 2012, 132, 81.

(2) Xiaoyan Li, Q. R. Qian*, W. W. Zheng, W. Wei, X. P. Liu, L. R. Xiao, Q. H. Chen*, Y. M. Chen, F. F. Wang. Preparation and Characteristics of LaOCl Nanotubes by Coaxial Electrospinning. Mater. Lett., 2012, 80, 43-45.

(1)Xiaoyan Li, F. F. Wang, Q. R. Qian*, X. P. Liu, L. R. Xiao, Q. H. Chen*. Ag/TiO2Nanofibers Heterostructure with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Parathion.Mater. Lett., 2012, 66, 370-373.




