孙晓丽 副教授

发布者:牛海涛 发布时间:2020-01-08 浏览次数:4751




从分子结构和聚集体结构两个角度,构筑新型功能高分子材料、环境友好高分子材料及废旧聚合物的高值再生材料。近年来在Nature Communications, ACS Macro Letters, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Chemical Communications, Macromolecular Rapid Communications等国际期刊发表SCI收录的学术论文43篇,其中第一作者及通讯作者论文18篇。


1.    Xiao-Li Sun, Dong-Ming Liu, Di Tian, Xiao-Yun Zhang, Wei Wu, Wen-Ming Wan, “The Introduction of the Barbier Reaction into Polymer Chemistry”. Nature Communications 2017, 8, 1210. (IF=12.124)

2.    Xiao-Li Sun, Dong-Ming Liu, Pan Wang, Jia-Lin Tan, Kang-Kang Li, Li Deng, Wen-Ming Wan, “Expanding Morphology Library of Block Copolymer Self-Assemblies with Clews of Tubules”. Chemical Communications2017, 53, 5005-5008. (IF=6.319)

3.    Xiao-Li Sun, Dong-Ming Liu, Shun-Shun Li, Kang-Kang Li, Wen-Ming Wan, “Pincushion of Tubules Discovery and Tubular Morphology Landscape Establishment of Block Copolymer Self-assemblies”. Macromolecular Rapid Communications2017, 38, 1700624.(IF=4.265)

4.    Xiao-Li Sun, Shuai Pei, Jun-Feng Wang, Zhi-Bin Liu, Jun Zhang, “Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study on Spherical and Tube-like Vesicles Formed by Amphiphilic Copolymers”. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics2017, 15, 1220-1226.

5.    Xiao-Li Sun, Shun-Shun Li, Zhi-Bin Liu, Pan Wang, Shuai Pei, Jun Zhang, “Design of pH-responsive “On-off” Emulsions Using CTAB/PPA Emulsifiers by Simulations and Experiments”.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2017, 533, 140-146.

6.    Xiao-Li Sun, Dong-Ming Liu, Shuai Pei, Kang-Kang Li, Wen-Ming Wan, “Versatile Method to Expand the Morphology Library of Block Copolymer Solution Self-Assemblies with Tubular Structures”. ACS Macro Letters 2016, 5, 1180-1184. (IF=6.185)

7.    Xiao-Li Sun, Dong-Ming Liu, Xin-Hu Lv, Peng Zhou, Miao Sun, Wen-Ming Wan, “Thermo-responsive Rheological Behavior of Borinic Acid Polymer in Dilute Solution”. RSC Advances2016, 6, 83393-83398.

8.    Xiao-Li Sun, P.-C. Tsai, R. Bhat, E. M. Bonder, B. Michniak-Kohn and A. Pietrangelo. “Thermoresponsive Block Copolymer Micelles with Tunable Pyrrolidone-based Polymer Cores: Structure/property Correlations and Application as Drug Carriers”. Journal of Materials Chemistry B2015, 3, 814-823. (IF=4.872)

9.    Jun Zhang, Yan Zhang, Jia-Wei Li, Pan Wang, Xiao-Li Sun*, Youguo Yan*, “Effect of Organic Salt on the Self-Assembly of Ammonium Gemini Surfactant: An Experiment and Simulation Study”. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2018, 548, 198-205.

10.             Pan Wang, Shuai Pei, Mu-Han Wang, You-Guo Yan, Xiao-Li Sun*, Jun Zhang*, “Study on the Transformation from Linear to Branched Wormlike Micelles: An Insight from Molecular Dynamics Simulation”,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2017, 494: 47-53.

11.             Pan Wang, Shuai Pei, Mu-Han Wang, You-Guo Yan, Xiao-Li Sun*, Jun Zhang*, “Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Study on the Self-assembly of Gemini Surfactants: the Effect of Spacer Length”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017, 19(6): 4462-4468.

12.             Pan Wang, Jia-Lin Tan, Shuai Pei, Jun-Feng Wang, Yan Zhang, Xiao-Li Sun*, Jun Zhang*, “Dual Effects of Cationic Surfactant on the Wormlike Micelle Formation of Catanionic Surfactants Mixtures: An Experiment and Simulation Study”. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2017, 529, 95-101.

13.             Pan Wang, Yun-Yun MaZhi-Bin LiuYou-Guo YanXiao-Li Sun*, Jun Zhang*,  “Vesicle Formation of Catanionic Mixtures of CTAC/SDS Induced by Ratio: A Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamic Simulation Study”. RSC Advances2016, 6, 13442-13449.

14.             Zhi-Bin Liu, Pan Wang, Shuai Pei, Bing Liu, Xiaoli Sun*, Jun Zhang*,  “Molecular Insights into the pH-induced Self-assembly of CTAB/PPA System”. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2016, 506, 276-283.









