杨智满 研究员

发布者:汤营茂 发布时间:2021-08-24 浏览次数:1604



杨智满,博士,研究员,闽江学者特聘教授,博士生导师。2011年于中国科学院生态环境研究中心获得博士学位。2011-2021年在中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所先后任助理研究员和副研究员。其间, 2018年,以DAAD-王宽诚奖学金获得者身份在德国亥姆霍兹联合会环境研究中心从事稳定同位素分馏技术研究;20209月起担任厌氧发酵技术研究组组长职务。20215月,作为高端人才加入福建师范大学环境科学与工程学院并组建环境微生物技术团队。











5、山东省重点研发计划 (2017GSF217007),主持(结题)。

6、山东省重点研发计划 (2015GSF117016),主持(结题)。






1Zhi-Man Yang, Rong-Bo Guo, Xiao-Huan Dong.Promoting biomethane production from propionate with Fe2O3@carbon nanotubes composites.Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151762.

2Manasa M.R.K., Katukuri N., Nair S., Yang H., Yang Z.,* Guo R*. Role of biochar and organic substrates in enhancing the functional characteristics and microbial community in a saline soil. Journal of Environmental Management 269 (2020) 110737

3Yang H .*, Yang Z.*, Xu X., Guo R. Increasing the methane production rate of hydrogenotrophic methanogens using biochar as a biocarrier. Bioresource Technology 302 (2020) 122829

4Lu, J.,* Yang, Z.,* Xu,W., Shi, X., Guo, R., (2019): Enrichment of thermophilic and mesophilic microbial consortia for efficient degradation of corn stalk. Journal of Environment Sciences, 78,118-126.

5Yang, Z., Xu, X., Dai, M., Wang, L., Shi, X., Guo, R., (2018): Combination of bioaugmentation and biostimulation for remediation of paddy soil contaminated with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Journal of Hazardous Materials 353,490–495.

6Yang, Z., Shi, X., Dai, M., Wang, L., Xu, X., Guo, R., (2018): Co-metabolic removal of ciprofloxacin by ciprofloxacin-degrading enrichments under condition of interaction between microbes and Fe3O4. Chemical Engineering Journal, 333, 649–656.

7Yang, Z., Shi, X., Dai, M., Wang, L., Xu, X., Guo, R., (2018): Promoting degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid with fermentative effluents from hydrogen-producing reactor. Chemosphere 201, 859-863.

8Sun, M., * Yang, Z.,*Lu, J.,  Fan, X., Guo, R.,  Fu,S., (2018): Improvement of bacterial methane elimination using porous ceramsite as biocarrier. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,93, 2406-2414.

9Yang, Z., Xu, X., Dai, M., Wang, L., Shi, X., Guo, R., (2017): Accelerated ciprofloxacin biodegradation in the presence of magnetite nanoparticles. Chemosphere 188, 168-173.

10Yang, Z., Xu, X., Dai, M., Wang, L., Shi, X., Guo, R., (2017): Rapid degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid facilitated by acetate under methanogenic condition. Bioresource Technology 232, 146–151

11Yang, Z., Guo, R., Xu, X., Wang, L., Dai, M. (2016): Enhanced methane production via repeated batch bioaugmentation pattern of enriched microbial consortia. Bioresource Technology, 216, 471–477.

12Yang, Z., Guo, R., Shi, X., He, S., Wang, L., Dai, M., Qiu, Y., Dang, X., (2016): Bioaugmentation of Hydrogenispora ethanolica LX-B affects hydrogen production through altering indigenous bacterial community structure. Bioresource Technology, 211, 319–326.

13Yang, Z., Guo, R., Shi, X., Wang, C., Wang, L., Dai, M., (2016): Magnetite nanoparticles enable a rapid conversion of volatile fatty acids to methane. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 25662-25668.

14Yang, Z., Shi, X., Wang, C., Wang, L., Guo, R., (2015): Magnetite nanoparticles facilitate methane production from ethanol via acting as electron acceptors. Sci. Rep. 5, 16118;

15Yang, Z. *, Xu, X. *, Guo, R., Fan, X., Zhao, X., (2015): Accelerated methanogenesis from effluents of hydrogen-producing stage in anaerobic digestion by mixed cultures enriched with acetate and nano-sized magnetite particles. Bioresource Technology, 190, 132-139.

16Li, X., Shi X., Yang, Z., Xu X., Guo R (2019). Effects of recyclable ceramsite as the porous bulking agent during the continuous thermophilic composting of dairy manure. Journal of Cleaner Production, 217: 344-351

17Sun, M., Yang, Z. et al (2019).Improved methane elimination by methane-oxidizing bacteria immobilized on modified oil shale semicoke. Science of The Total Environment, 655: 915-923.

18Sun, M., Yang, Z., Fu,S., Fan, X., Guo, R.,  (2018): Improved methane removal in exhaust gas from biogas upgrading process using immobilized methane-oxidizing bacteria. Bioresource Technology, 256, 201-207.

19Katukuri, N.R., Fu, S., He, S., Xu, X., Yuan, Z., Yang, Z., Guo, R., (2017): Enhanced methane production of Miscanthus floridulus by hydrogen peroxide pretreatment. Fuel, 199, 562–566.

20Fan, X., Wang, H., Guo, R., Yang, D., Zhang, Y., Yuan, X., Qiu, Y., Yang, Z., Zhao, X, (2016). Comparative study of the oxygen tolerance of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC124 in photobiological hydrogen production. Algal Research 16, 240–244.

21Fan, X., Guo, R., Yuan, X., Qiu, Y., Yang, Z., Wang, F., Sun, M., Zhao, X (2015). Biogas production from Macrocystis pyrifera biomass in seawater system. Bioresource Technology, 197, 339–347.

22Fu, S., Wang, F., Yuan, X., Yang, Z., Luo, S., Wang, C., Guo, R.(2015):The thermophilic (55°C) microaerobic pretreatment of corn straw for anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology, 175, 203-208.


