
发布者:汤营茂 发布时间:2021-08-26 浏览次数:2626


杨徐荟,女,工学博士,讲师。2009.09-2016.01于北京科技大学攻读本科与硕士学位,主要研究方向为纳米半导体器件理论模拟研究;2016.09-2021.06于福州大学攻读博士学位,主要研究方向为二维功能材料的设计及调控研究,在读期间(2018.10-2020.10)获国家公派留学奖学金赴美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校进行联合培养,主要研究方向为高通量二维电子化合物计算与设计。2021.08进入福建师范大学环境科学与工程学院工作。目前已在Nano ResearchAdvanced Functional MaterialsNano EnergyJournal of Materials Chemistry CPhysical Review B等刊物上发表10余篇学术论文。









[1] Xuhui Yang, Kevin Parrish, Yan-Ling Li, Baisheng Sa, Hongbing Zhan, Qiang Zhu*. Switchable two-dimensional electrides: A first-principles study, Physical Review B, 2021, 103(12): 125103.

[2] Xuhui Yang, Baisheng Sa*, Peng Lin, Chao Xu, Qiang Zhu, Hongbing Zhan*, Zhimei Sun. Tunable contacts in graphene/InSe van der Waals heterostructure, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124: 23699–23706.

[3] Xuhui Yang, Baisheng Sa*, Chao Xu, Hongbing Zhan*, Masakazu Anpoc, Zhimei Sun*. Enhanced photocatalytic performance of black phosphorene by isoelectronic co-dopants. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6(9): 2369-2378.

[4] Xuhui Yang, Baisheng Sa*, Hongbing Zhan*, Zhimei Sun. Electric field-modulated data storage in bilayer InSe. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(46): 12228-12234.

[5] Xuhui Yang, Yousong Gu, Max A. Migliorato, Yue Zhang*. Impact of insulator layer thickness on the performance of metal-MgO-ZnO tunneling diodes. Nano Research, 2016, 9 (5), 1290-1299.

[6] Yousong Gu#, Xuhui Yang#, Yilin Guan, Max A. Miglioratoac, Yue Zhang*. Enhanced electromechanical performance in metal-MgO-ZnO tunneling diodes due to the insulator layers. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2016, 3 (9), 1130-1136.#共同一作)

[7] Chaoqi Zhang, Jordi Jacas Biendicho*, Ting Zhang, Ruifeng Du, Junshan Li, Xuhui Yang, Jordi Arbiol, Yingtang Zhou*, Joan Ramon Morante, Andreu Cabot*. Combined high catalytic activity and efficient polar tubular nanostructure in urchin‐like metallic NiCo2Se4 for high‐performance lithium-sulfur batteries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29(34): 1903842.

[8] Baisheng Sa*, Jianhui Chen, Xuhui Yang, Honglei Yang, Jingying Zheng*, Chao Xu, Junjie Li, Bo Wu, and Hongbing Zhan. Elastic anisotropy and optic isotropy in black phosphorene/transition-metal trisulfide van der Waals heterostructures. ACS Omega, 2019, 4(2): 4101-4108.

[9] Sijia Chen, Daoping Cai*, Xuhui Yang, Qidi Chen, Hongbing Zhan*, Baihua Qu, TaihongWang*. Metal-organic frameworks derived nanocomposites of mixed-valent MnOx nanoparticles in-situ grown on ultrathin carbon sheets for high-performance supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 256: 63-72.

[10] Daoping Cai*, Xuhui Yang, Baihua Qu, Taihong Wang*. Comparison of the electrochemical performance of iron hexacyanoferrate with high and low quality as cathode materials for aqueous sodium-ion batteries. Chemical Communications, 2017, 53(50): 6780-6783.

[11] Haonan Si, Qingliang Liao, Zheng Zhang, Yong Li, Xuhui Yang, Guangjie Zhang, Zhuo Kang, Yue Zhang*. An innovative design of perovskite solar cells with Al2O3 inserting at ZnO/perovskite interface for improving the performance and stability. Nano Energy, 2016, 22, 223–231.



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