颜桂炀 教授

发布者:汤营茂 发布时间:2021-10-09 浏览次数:825




颜桂炀,,教授,博士,硕士生导师,现为宁德师范学院党委委员、副院长,兼任福建省特色生物化工材料重点实验室主任,化工新材料福建省高等学校科技创新团队负责人,曾入选福建师范大学首届优秀青年骨干教师,第四届宁德市市管优秀人才,福建省化学会理事,福建省陶瓷产业技术开发基地专家顾问团成员。长期从事教学和科研工作,在环境光催化、无机新材料、固体废弃物的综合利用方面有较深入的研究。近五年,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,省科技厅产学合作重大项目和省科技厅引导性项目各1项;主持福建省本科高校重大教育教学改革项目1项,其他项目10多项.获校教学成果奖特等奖、一等奖;参编出版教材4部;在Interational Jourmal of Hydrogen Energy , Jourmal of Physical Chemistry C Catalysis Today ,《高等学校化学学报》等国内外学术期刊上发表50多篇学术论文,其中被SC1EI收录30余篇,获授权中国发明专利18件。






1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,介稳态相Bi-Ti氧化物固溶体及其燃油可见光光催化脱氨研究, No.21473096,主持, 90万元, 2015.01-2018.12

2)国家自然科学基金青年项目, Ag基纳米品@金属有机骨架材料(MOFs)光催化还原CO2性能研究, No.21603112,参与(排名第二)20万元, 2017.01-2019.12

3)福建省科技厅引导性项目,高固含量水性聚氨酯皮革涂饰剂的研制及其产业化关键问题研究, No.2019H0035,主持, 15万元, 2019.06-2022.05

4)福建省科技厅重大项目,畲族银雕结合现代陶新产品的研发, No.201416003,主持, 35万元, 2014.07-2017.12



1) Sun Y, Wu Y, Fu Y, Yang C, Jiang J, Yan G*, Hu J. Rapid and high selective removal of Hg(II) ions using tannic acid cross-linking cellulose/polyethyleneimine functionalized magnetic composite[J]. International Journal of  Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 182(1), 1120-1129.

2) Liang Z, Huang R, Liang R, Xie D, Yan G*. A direct Z-scheme mechanism for selective hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds over a hybrid photocatalyst composed of ZnIn2S4 and WO3 nanorods[J]. New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45.

3) Hu W, Jiang M, Liang R, Huang R, Xia Y, Lian-g Z, Yan G*. Construction of Bi2MoO6/CdS heterostructures with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity for fuel denitrification[J]. Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50, 2596.

4) Li X, Yan G*, Wang J, Kong W, Chang X, Zhuang Y, Meng F. Self-assembly, liquid crystalline behavior and electrorheological performance of phthalocyanine-contaning polysiloxanes[J]. European Polymer Journal, 2021,110417.

5) Yang C, Jiang J, Wu Y, Fu Y, Sun Y, Chen F, Yan G*, Hu J. High removal rate and selectivity of Hg(II) ions using the magnetic composite adsorbent based on starch/polyethyleneimine[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 337(21):116418.

6) Li X, Chang X, Zheng X, Kong W, Zhuang Y, Yan G*, Meng F.Self-assembly, liquid crystalline behavior and electrorheological performance of phthalocyanine-contaning  polysiloxanes[J]. European Polymer Journal, 2021, 110417.

7) Liang ZYan G*. Facile preparation of oyster shells-derived versatile Ca-Fe-O porous materials as Fenton-like reagent for environmental remediation[J]. Functional Materials Letters, 2020.

8)Liang R, Huang R, Ying S, Wang X, Yan G*, Wu L. Facile in situ growth of highly dispersed palladium on phosphotungstic-acid-encapsulated MIL-100(Fe) for the degradation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products under vis-ible light. Nano Research 2018, 11(2), 1109-1123.

9) Huang R, Liang R, Fan H, Ying S, Wu L, Wang X, Yan G*. Enhanced Photocatalytic Fuel Denitrification over TiO2/alpha-Fe2O3 Nanocomposites under Visible Light Irradia-tion. Scientific Reports 2017, 7.

10)Guan G, Zou M, Feng Q, Lin J, Huang Z, Yan G*. Synthesis of Fe3O4/RGO composites and their electrochemical performance. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology  2017, 45(3), 362-369.


1)颜桂炀,王颖,郑柳萍,一种陶银结合的瓷土及生产工艺、制品, ZL 2017 1 0562209.0, 授权公告日: 2021-07-06

2)颜桂炀,陈峰,黄继涛,王泽鑫,银饰杯子, ZL 201730127056.8,授权公告日: 2017-09-26

3)颜桂炀,陈峰,王全浩,莲花银饰杯子, ZL 201730127057.2,  授权公告日:2017-09-26

4)颜桂炀,陈峰,黄继涛,王全浩,杯子(银饰雕花),           ZL 201730127218.8,授权公告日:2017-09-15

5)颜桂炀,刘伟,郑柳萍,许美真,梁志瑜,一种沸石缓释复混肥及其制备方法,ZL 201410263447.8,授权公告日:2016-06-15

6)颜桂炀,李金华,刘伟,丘桂萍,可折叠便携式风筝,        ZL 201620018051.1,授权公告日:2016-06-08

7)颜桂炀,江小源,赵公弼,叶清茂,工艺品(银币),           ZL 201430355006.1,授权公告日:2015-04-15

8)林美,颜桂炀,郑柳萍,黄莹莹,一种金属掺杂型可见光脱氮光催化剂及其制备方法和应用,ZL 201210454591.0,授权公告日:2014-08-06





