刘耀兴 教授

发布者:汤营茂 发布时间:2018-06-14 浏览次数:8250


刘耀兴,男,工学博士,教授,硕导,一级建造师(市政公用工程),清洁生产审核师,节能减排评估师,福建省引进高层次人才(C类),2018年入选福建师范大学“宝琛计划”中青年人才支持计划青年英才。主要从事水质污染控制工程、环境电化学、膜在环境治理中的应用等研究。在Environmental Science & Technology、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、Journal of Membrane Science》、Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Desalination》等刊物发表学术论文近40篇。授权发明和实用新型专利7项。




(1) Yaoxing Liu*, Mingzhi Lv, Xiaoyun Wu, Jianguo Ding, Liping Dai, Hun Xue, Xin Ye, Riyao Chen, Rui Ding, Jianxi Liu, Bart Van der Bruggen. Recovery of copper from electroplating sludge using integrated bipolar membrane electrodialysis and electrodeposition, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 642, 2023, 29-40.

(2) Yaoxing Liu*, Xiaoyu Wu, Liping Dai, Xiaoyun Wu, Jianguo Ding, Riyao Chen, Rui Ding, Jianxi Liu, Bart Van der Bruggen. Recovery of nickel in the form of Ni(OH)2 from plating wastewater containing Ni-EDTA using bipolar membrane electrodialysis, Chemosphere, 310, 2023, 136822.

(3) Yaoxing Liu*, Xiaoyu Wu, Xiaoyun Wu, Liping Dai, Jianguo Ding, Xin Ye, Riyao Chen, Rui Ding, Jianxi Liu, Yanchao Jin, Bart Van der Bruggen. Recovery of nickel, phosphorus and nitrogen from electroless nickel-plating wastewater using bipolar membrane electrodialysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 382, 2023, 135326.

(4) Yaoxing Liu*, Jianguo Ding, Hanquan Zhu, Xiaoyun Wu, Liping Dai, Riyao Chen, Bart Van der Bruggen. Recovery of trivalent and hexavalent chromium from chromium slag using a bipolar membrane system combined with oxidation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 619, 2022, 280-288.

(5) Yaoxing Liu*, Jianguo Ding, Hanquan Zhu, Xiaoyun Wu, Liping Dai, Riyao Chen, Yanchao Jin, Bart Van der Bruggen. Retrieval of trivalent chromium by converting it to its dichromate state from soil using a bipolar membrane electrodialysis system combined with H2O2 oxidation, Separation and Purification Technology, 300, 2022, 121882.

(6) Yaoxing Liu*, Liping Dai, Xiong Ke, Jianguo Ding, Xiaoyun Wu, Riyao Chen, Rui Ding, Bart Van der Bruggen. Arsenic and cation metal removal from copper slag using a bipolar membrane electrodialysis system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 338, 2022, 130662.

(7) Xiaoyun Wu, Rongrong Xie, Jianguo Ding, Liping Dai, Xiong Ke, Yaoxing Liu*, Riyao Chen, Qingrong Qian, Rui Ding, Jianxi Liu, Bart Van der Bruggen, Recovery of phosphate and ammonium nitrogen as struvite from aqueous solutions using a magnesium–air cell system,Science of The Total Environment, 819,2022, 152006.

(8) Liping Dai, Jianguo Ding, Yaoxing Liu*, Xiaoyun Wu*, Liangsheng Chen, Riyao chen, Bart Van der Bruggen. Recovery of Cr(VI) and removal of cationic metals from chromium slag using a modified bipolar membrane systemJournal of Membrane Science, 639, 2021, 119772.

(9) Yaoxing Liu, Xiong Ke, Xiaoyun Wu, Chenjing Ke, Riyao Chen*, Xiao Chen, Xi Zheng, Yanchao Jin, Bart Van der Bruggen. Simultaneous Removal of Trivalent Chromium and Hexavalent Chromium from Soil Using a Modified Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis System, Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 2020, 13304-13313.

(10) Xiaoyun Wu; Hanquan Zhu; Yaoxing Liu*; Riyao Chen*; Qingrong Qian; Bart Van der Bruggen; Cr(III) recovery in form of Na2CrO4 from aqueous solution using improved bipolar membrane electrodialysis, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 604: 118097.

(11) Yaoxing Liu; Xiong Ke; Hanquan Zhu; Riyao Chen*; Xiao Chen; Xi Zheng; Yanchao Jin; Bart Van der Bruggen*; Treatment of raffinate generated via copper ore hydrometallurgical processing using a bipolar membrane electrodialysis system, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 382: 122956.

(12) Yaoxing Liu; Zhang Yan; Riyao Chen*; Yaping Yu; Xiao Chen; Xi Zheng; Xuehong Huang; 2,4-Dichlorophenol removal from water using an electrochemical method improved by a composite molecularly imprinted membrane/bipolar membrane, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 377: 259-266.

(13) Yaoxing Liu; Hanquan Zhu; Minling Zhang; Riyao Chen*; Xiao Chen; Xi Zheng; Yanchao Jin; Cr(VI) recovery from chromite ore processing residual using an enhanced electrokinetic process by bipolar membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 566: 190-196.

(14) Yaoxing Liu, Jiahui Chen, Riyao Chen, Tingjin Zhou, Chenjing Ke, Xiao Chen, Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on bipolar membrane properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 203, 259-265, 2018

(15) Yaoxing Liu; Jiahui Chen; Zhen Cai; Riyao Chen*; Qiyuan Sun; Miaomiao Sun; Removal of copper and nickel from municipal sludge using an improved electrokinetic process, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 307: 1008-1016.

(16) Yaoxing Liu, Yuxin Lei, Yin Xi, Zaiyi Liao and Xia Zhang, High-load domestic wastewater treatment using a combined anaerobic-aerobic bio-filter with coal cinder as medium. Environmental Technology, 1-7, 2017.

(17) Yaoxing Liu*, Zai Yi Liao, Xiao Yun Wu, Chun Ju Zhao, Yu Xin Lei Dao Bin Ji. Electrochemical degradation of methylene blue using electrodes of stainless steel net coated with single-walled carbon nanotubes, Desalination and Water Treatment, 54(10) 2757-2764 , 2015.

(18) Yaoxing Liu *, X.Y. Wu, D.X. Yuan, J.M. Yan. Removal of nickel from aqueous solution using cathodic deposition of nickel hydroxide at a modified electrode, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 88(12), 2193-2200, 2013

(19) Yaoxing Liu, J.M. Yan, D.X. Yuan*, Q.L. Li, X.Y. Wu, The study of lead removal from aqueous solution using an electrochemical method with a stainless steel net electrode coated with single wall carbon nanotubes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 218, 81-88, 2013.

(20) Yaoxing Liu, D.X. Yuan*, J.M. Yan, Q.L. Li. T. OuYang, Electrochemical removal of chromium from aqueous solutions using electrodes of stainless steel nets coated with single wall carbon nanotubes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(1), 473-480, 2011.

(21) Yaoxing Liu, T. OuYang, D.X. Yuan, X.Y. Wu. Study of municipal wastewater treatment with oyster shell as biological aerated filters medium. Desalination, 254(1-3), 149-153. 2010.


1. 国家自然科学青年基金(21507069);国家基金委,2016.01-2018.12;项目负责人。

2. 福建省自然科学面上基金(2017J01573);福建省科技厅,2017.04-2020.03;项目负责人。

3. 福建省教育厅杰青项目;福建省教育厅;2017.06-2020.05;项目负责人。

4. 福建省科技重大专项(2015YZ0001-1);福建省科技厅;2015.09-2018.09;排名12




