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  讲:伍伦贡大学 谢思煌 博士后

专家简介:谢思煌,男,博士毕业于爱尔兰国立高威大学,先后于澳大利亚昆士兰大学以及伍伦贡大学任博士后研究员。参与多项科研项目,包括澳大利亚研究协会-工业合作项目和昆士兰州政府创新型未来研究计划,总科研经费达1500万,部分科研成果已转让给德国Remondis公司和悉尼水务公司实现产业化。研究兴趣是有机固废资源化技术和固废环境污染控制。以第一作者在Bioresource Technology等杂志发表SCI论文11篇。其中,单篇最高引用次数216次,Google Scholar他引近千次。担任多个国际期刊的审稿人。

 报告摘要:Anaerobic digestion technology has gained global attention due to its pragmatic organic waste management approach coupled with bioenergy production. However, the technology has several challenges including process inefficiency in terms of low bioenergy yield and negative impacts on downstream processes. In this talk, two notable anaerobic technologies, namely dry batch digestion and wet continuous co-digestion, and their pilot and commercial scale applications in Australia will be introduced. Dry batch digestion of shredded municipal solid waste using a novel flood and drain regime has been performed in commercial scale landfill bioreactors for the first time. The results revealed the superior performance for the technology in terms of rate and extent of waste degradation as well as bioenergy yields. Meanwhile, wet continuous digestion can be readily implemented in the existing infrastructure in wastewater treatment plants, where liquefied organic wastes can be co-digested with sewage sludge to achieve the energy-neutral target. Pilot results suggest that co-digestion with beer, soft drink and fruit juice beverage waste at 10% (v/v) (except wine) resulted in between 35 to 72% increase in biogas production and stable methane composition in biogas. These co-substrates did not result in any observable negative impacts on downstream processes in terms of digestate dewaterability, biosolids odour and digester foaming potential.

