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刘键熙 副教授



基本信息Basic information







出生年月:   1985.07






办公电话:0591- 83426504    




研究方向Research Interests




2009.9-2015.6 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所分析化学理学博士(硕博连读)

2005.9-2009.6 福州大学化学基地班专业理学学士




个人简介  Brief

刘键熙,男,硕导。主要从事环境污染物分析检测及风险评估方面研究。在《ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces》、《Anal. Chem.》、《Chem. Commun.》、《J. Mat. Chem. B》等期刊发表SCI论文十余篇。参与撰写学术专著1部。主持国家级项目1项,省级项目2项,参与多个国家、省部级项目。


代表性论文 Selected Publications

  • Liu Jianxi, Yang Kaiguang, Shao, Wenya, Qu Yanyan, Li Senwu, Wu Qi, Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yukui, Boronic Acid-Functionalized Particles with Flexible Three-Dimensional Polymer Branch for Highly Specific Recognition of Glycoproteins [J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2016, 8 (15), 9552-9556.

  • Liu Jianxi, Yang Kaiguang, Shao, Wenya, Li Senwu, Wu Qi, Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yukui, Synthesis of Zwitterionic Polymer Particles via Combined Distillation Precipitation Polymerization and Click Chemistry for Highly Efficient Enrichment of Glycopeptide. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2016, 8 (34), 22018-22024.

  • Yang Kaiguang, Li Senwu, Liu Jianxi, Liu Lukuang, Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yukui, Multiepitope Templates Imprinted Particles for the Simultaneous Capture of Various Target Proteins.Anal. Chem.2016, 88 (11), 5621-5625.

  • Shao, Wenya, Liu Jianxi, Yang Kaiguang, Liang Yu, Weng Yejing, Li Senwu, Liang Zheng, Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yukui, Hydrogen-bond interaction assisted branched copolymer HILIC material for separation and N-glycopeptides enrichment.Talanta2016, 158, 361-367.

  • Shao, Wenya; Liu, Jianxi; Liang, Yu; Yang, Kaiguang; Min, Yi; Zhang, Xiaodang; Liang, Zhen; Zhang, Lihua; Zhang, Yukui, Thiol-ene grafting of silica particles with three-dimensional branched copolymer for HILIC/cation-exchange chromatographic separation and N-glycopeptide enrichment. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 2017.

  • Su, Yuping; Zhang, Caowei; Liu, Jianxi; Weng, Yuan; Li, Helong; Zhang, Dayi, Assessing the impacts of phosphorus inactive clay on phosphorus release control and phytoplankton community structure in eutrophic lakes. Environmental Pollution 2016, 219, 620-630.

  • Liu Jianxi, Yang Kaiguang, Qu Yanyan, Li Senwu, Wu Qi, Liang Zhen, Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yukui, An efficient approach to prepare boronate core-shell polymer nanoparticles for glycoprotein recognition via combined distillation precipitation polymerization and RAFT media precipitation polymerization . Chem. Commun.2015, 51(18): 3896-3898.

  • Li Senwu, Yang Kaiguang, Liu Jianxi, Jiang Bo, Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yukui, Surface-imprinted nanoparticles prepared with a His-tag-anchored epitope as the template. Anal. Chem. 2015, 87(9), 4617-4620.

  • Qu Yanyan#, Liu Jianxi#, Yang Kaiguang, Wu Qi, Shan Yichu, Zhang Lihua, Liang Zhen, Zhang Yukui Glycoproteins recognition by water-compatible core-shell polymeric submicron particles . J. Mat. Chem. B 2015, 3(19): 3927-3930

  • Liu Jianxi, Qu Yanyan, Yang Kaiguang, Wu Qi, Shan Yichu, Zhang Lihua, Liang Zhen, Zhang Yukui, Monodisperse boronate polymeric particles synthesized by a precipitation polymerization strategy: particle formation and glycoprotein response from the standpoint of the Flory–Huggins model . ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6(3): 2059-2066.

  • Yang Kaiguang, Liu Jianxi, Li Senwu, Li Qinran, Wu Qi, Zhou Yuan, Zhao Qun, Deng Nan, Liang Zhen, Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yukui, Epitope imprinted polyethersulfone beads by self-assembly for target protein capture from the plasma proteome . Chem. Commun.2014, 50(67): 9521-9524.

  • Li Qinran, Yang Kaiguang, Liang Yu, Jiang Bo, Liu Jianxi, Zhang Lihua, Liang Zhen, Zhang Yukui, Surface protein imprinted core–shell particles for high selective Lysozyme recognition prepared by reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer strategy . ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2014, 6(24): 21954-21960.

  • Wu Qi, Shan Yichu, Qu Yanyan, Jiang Hao, Yuan Huiming, Liu Jianxi, Zhang Shen, Liang Zhen, Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yukui, Improved accuracy for label-free absolute quantification of proteome by combining the absolute protein expression profiling algorithm and summed tandem mass spectrometric total ion current . Analyst2014, 139(1): 138-146.

  • Qu Yanyan#, Liu Jianxi#, Yang Kaiguang, Liang Zhen, Zhang Lihua, Zhang Yukui, Boronic acid functionalized core–shell polymer nanoparticles prepared by distillation precipitation polymerization for glycopeptide enrichment .Chem.- Eur. J.2012, 18(29): 9056-9062.


  • 《药学文献检索》,科学出版社,中国,2017,编委


  • 一种聚合物微球及其制备和应用 [P],中国, 201310105927.7 第二发明人,国家发明专利

  • 一种有机无机杂化微球颗粒及其制备和应用 [P],中国,201310370095.1 第二发明人,国家发明专利


主要获奖成果 The Main Achievements

福建师范大学2018年银都助教基金青年教师教学技能大赛暨第四届全省高校青年教师教学竞赛选拔赛 二等奖


承担科研项目Research projects

  • 国家自然科学基青年项目,21605020国家自然基金委,2017-2019 项目负责人

  • 福建省自然科学基金青年创新项目,2016J05027,福建省科技厅,2016-2018 项目负责人

  • 福建省教育厅(A)JAT1601272016-20182016-2018 项目负责人

