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韩永和 副研究员



韩永和,理学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,毕业于南京大学环境科学与工程专业,现任环境科学专业负责人。入选福建省高层次人才(C类)、福建省泉州市“港湾计划”高层次人才(四类)、福建省泉州市“智能制造产业集群高端人才”、福建师范大学“宝琛计划”青年英才。主要从事土壤营养、尾矿修复和有机物降解等与环境生物学、微生物生态学、土壤化学、分子生物学相关的交叉课题研究。主持国家自然科学基金、福建省自然科学基金、福建省教育厅基金等7项,参与课题多项。在《微生物学报》、CelluloseEcotoxicology and Environmental SafetyEnvironmental PollutionInternational Journal of Biological MacromoleculesJournal of Environmental Chemical EngineeringJournal of Environmental ManagementJournal of Hazardous Materials等国内外主流刊物发表学术论文80余篇、图书章节1章,参编教材1部。担任AgricultureFrontiers in Chemistry、《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》、《土壤学报》、《中国环境科学》等期刊(客座)编辑或编委、国家自然科学基金函评专家和国内外60多个主流期刊审稿人。主讲《环境生物学》(本科生)、《科技作图与数据分析》(研究生)等课程。更多信息请移步课题组网页:https://www.x-mol.com/groups/Biogeochemistry








1、李旖曦, 陈涵冰, 王耀强, 张虹, 张勇, 韩永和*. 2023. 耐砷促生菌对超富集植物蜈蚣草砷吸收及根际微生物群落的调控作用. 微生物学报, 63(6): 2401-2414.

2、崔熙雯, 林小锐, 张虹, 李家兵, 韩永和*. 2023. 抗逆放线菌的多样性、功能特性及其在环境修复中的应用. 微生物学报, 63(5): 1930-1943.

3韩永和*, 王珊珊. 2016. 微生物耐砷机理及其在砷地球化学循环中的作用. 微生物学报, 56(6): 901-910.

4韩永和, 何睿文, 李超, 向萍, 罗军, 崔昕毅*. 2016. 邻苯二甲酸酯降解细菌的多样性、降解机理及环境应用. 生态毒理学报, 11(2): 37-49.

5韩永和, 章文贤, 庄志刚, 周志华, 许旭萍, 李敏*. 2013. 耐盐好氧反硝化菌A-13菌株的分离鉴定及其反硝化特性. 微生物学报, 53(1): 47-58.

6Shanshan Wang, Dongqian Guo, Xian Chen, Su-Zhu Chen, Xi-Wen Cui, Yong-He Han*, Ping Xiang*. 2025. Environmentally relevant concentrations of antimony pose potential risks to human health: An evaluation on human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Toxicology in Vitro, 106: 106054.

7Yong-He Han*, Xi-Wen Cui, Hai-Yan Wang, Xiao-Bin Lai, Ying Zhu, Jia-Bing Li, Rong-Rong Xie, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhang, Zhibiao Chen*. 2025. Recruitment of copiotrophic and autotrophic bacteria by hyperaccumulators enhances nutrient cycling to reclaim degraded soils at abandoned rare earth elements mining sites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 488: 137351.

8Yong-He Han*, Yi-Xi Li, Xi-Wen Cui, Ying Zhu, Hong Zhang, Yong Zhang. 2025. Fertilization-recruited Actinomycetota enhances nutrient and energy metabolisms to favor plant growth and arsenic accumulation in Pteris vittata. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 13(2): 116043.

9Yong-He Han*, Xi-Wen Cui, Yi-Xi Li, Xian Chen, Hong Zhang, Yong Zhang, Shan-Shan Wang*, Min Li*. 2024. Bacterial cellulose is a desirable biological macromolecule that can prevent obesity via modulating lipid metabolism and gut microbiota. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 283(Part 1): 137522.

10Xi-Wen Cui, Zhen-An Xu, Xian Chen, Zhi-Biao Chen, Jia-Bing Li, Rong-Rong Xie, Hong Zhang, Yong Zhang, Yong-He Han*. 2024. Dicranopteris pedata improves soil quality by enhancing nutrient deposition, decreasing metal concentration, and boosting microbial diversity on abandoned rare earth elements mining sites. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(5): 113842.

11Yong-He Han*, Yi-Xi Li*, Wen-Qian Qiu, Xi-Wen Cui, Xian Chen, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhang, Shan-Shan Wang*. 2024. Integrated whole genome sequencing and transcriptomic analysis reveal the biodegradation mechanism of vanillic acid in Herbaspirillum aquaticum KLS-1. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(4): 113221.

12Yan-Zhen Lin, Qi-Qi Chen, Yi-Fan Qiu, Rong-Rong Xie, Hong Zhang, Yong Zhang, Jia-Bing Li*, Yong-He Han*. 2024. Spartina alterniflora invasion altered phosphorus retention and microbial phosphate solubilization of the Minjiang estuary wetland in southeastern China. Journal of Environmental Management, 358: 120817.

13Dai-Xia Yin, Li-Lu Niu, Jing Liu, Bing Han, Rui Yang, Zhou-Yu Liu, Yong-He Han*, Xiao-Li Zhao. 2024. Cadmium-resistant bacterium Ralstonia sp. YDR alleviates Cd toxicity in rice seedlings by enhancing antioxidant defense and inhibiting Cd2+ influx and H+ efflux. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 34: 103614.

14Yong-He Han, Yi-Xi Li, Xian Chen, Hong Zhang, Yong Zhang, Wei Li, Chen-Jing Liu, Yanshan Chen*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2024. Arsenic-enhanced plant growth in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata: Metabolomic investigations and molecular mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment, 926: 171922.

15Jin-Yang Chen, Ying-Xin Weng, Yong-He Han*, Rui-Hong Ye, Di-Hui Huang*. 2024. A novel pencil graphite electrode modified with an iron-based conductive metal-organic framework exhibited good ability in simultaneous sensing bisphenol A and bisphenol S. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 272: 116065.

16Yi-Xi Li, Wei Lin, Yong-He Han*, Yao-Qiang Wang, Tao Wang, Hong Zhang, Yong Zhang, Shan-Shan Wang*. 2023. Biodegradation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid in Herbaspirillum aquaticum KLS-1 isolated from tailing soil: Characterization and molecular mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 456: 131669.

17Xiao-Rui Lin, Han-Bing Chen, Yi-Xi Li, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Jia-Bing Li, Yao-Qiang Wang, Hong Zhang, Yong Zhang, Yong-He Han*, Shan-Shan Wang*. 2022. Priestia sp. LWS1 is a selenium-resistant plant growth-promoting bacterium that can enhance plant growth and selenium accumulation in Oryza sativa L. Agronomy, 12(6): 1301.

18Ying Li, Chun-Xian Li, Wei Lin, Shan-Shan Wang, Wen-Xian Zhang, Yong-Mei Jiang, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhang*, Yong-He Han*. 2021. Full evaluation of assimilatory and dissimilatory nitrate reduction in a new denitrifying bacterium Leclercia adecarboxylata strain AS3-1: Characterization and functional gene analysis. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 23: 101731.

19Yong-He Han, Meng-Ru Jia, Shan-Shan Wang, Jia-Cong Deng, Xiao-Xia Shi, Deng-Long Chen, Yanshan Chen*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2020. Arsenic accumulation and distribution in Pteris vittata fronds of different maturity: Impacts of soil As concentrations. Science of the Total Environment, 715: 135298.

20Yong-He Han, Hai-Long Mao, Shan-Shan Wang*, Jia-Cong Deng, Deng-Long Chen*, Min Li*. 2020. Ecofriendly green biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose by Komagataeibacter xylinus B2-1 using the shell extract of Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn. as culture medium. Cellulose, 27(3): 1255-1272.

21Yong-He Han, Dai-Xia Yin, Meng-Ru Jia, Shan-Shan Wang, Yanshan Chen, Bala Rathinasabapathi, Deng-Long Chen*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2019. Arsenic-resistance mechanisms in bacterium Leclercia adecarboxylata strain As3-1: Biochemical and genomic analyses. Science of the Total Environment, 690: 1178-1189.

22Meng-Ru Jia, Ni Tang, Yue Cao, Yanshan Chen, Yong-He Han*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2019. Efficient arsenate reduction by As-resistant bacterium Bacillus sp. strain PVR-YHB 1-1: Characterization and genome analysis. Chemosphere, 218: 1061-1070.

23Yong-He Han, Meng-Ru Jia, Xue Liu, Ying Zhu, Yue Cao, Deng-Long Chen, Yanshan Chen*, Lena Q. Ma. 2017. Bacteria from the rhizosphere and tissues of As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata and their role in arsenic transformation. Chemosphere, 186: 599-606.

24Yong-He Han, Xue Liu, Bala Rathinasabapathi, Hong-Bo Li, Yanshan Chen*, Lena Q. Ma. 2017. Mechanisms of efficient As solubilization in soils and As accumulation by As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. Environmental Pollution, 227: 569-577.

25Yong-He Han, Jing-Wei Fu, Ping Xiang, Yue Cao, Bala Rathinasabapathi, Yanshan Chen*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2017. Arsenic and phosphate rock impacted the abundance and diversity of bacterial arsenic oxidase and reductase genes in rhizosphere of As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 321: 146-153.

26Yong-He Han, Guang-Mei Yang, Jing-Wei Fu, Dong-Xing Guan, Yanshan Chen, Lena Q. Ma*. 2016. Arsenic-induced plant growth of arsenic-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata: Impact of arsenic and phosphate rock. Chemosphere, 149: 366-372.

27Shan-Shan Wang, Shu-Lin Ye, Yong-He Han*, Xiao-Xia Shi, Deng-Long Chen, Min Li*. 2016. Biosorption and bioaccumulation of chromate from aqueous solution by a newly isolated Bacillus mycoides strain 200AsB1. RSC Advances, 6(103): 101153-101161

28Yong-He Han, Jing-We Fu, Yanshan Chen, Bala Rathinasabapathi, Lena Q. Ma*. 2016. Arsenic uptake, arsenite efflux and plant growth in hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata: Role of arsenic-resistant bacteria. Chemosphere, 144: 1937-1942.


1Yanshan Chen*, Chen Yang, Yong-He Han*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2024. Roles of nutrients and microbes on arsenic accumulation by arsenic-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. in: Advances in Botanical Research, (Ed.) Michel Chalot, Vol. 109, Academic Press, pp. 159-183.













3、福建师范大学本科教育教学改革研究项目(I202102003);福建师范大学教务处; 2021.09-2023.09;项目负责人








